The International Youth Federation in Sudan participated in the celebrating the International Anti-Corruption Day in Sudan In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The global theme in this year was “United against corruption for development, peace and security”. Every year $1 trillion is paid in bribes while an estimated $2.6 trillion are stolen annually through corruption – a sum equivalent to more than 5 per cent of the global GDP. In developing countries, according to the UNDP, funds lost to corruption are estimated at 10 times the amount of official development assistance.
Corruption is a serious crime that can undermine social and economic development in all societies. No country, region or community is immune. As a part of the global campaign, IYF in Sudan participated in the joint campaign which focuses on corruption as one of the biggest impediments to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In his speech, Mr. Omar NAGI, IYF Representative in Sudan said: “The message of the International Youth Federation demonstrated in empowering youth socially, culturally and economically which will grant a better future.
In his speech, Mr. Omar NAGI, IYF Representative in Sudan said: “The message of the International Youth Federation demonstrated in empowering youth socially, culturally and economically which will grant a better future.
Young people are the backbone of any society, According to the United Nations 24% from the world population is youth between (10-24) years old. In Sudan 61% from the population are youth. When it comes to build a community that is free of corruption, we consider youth as the base for this process, and because the future is depending on today’s youth, we have to make sure that we will have a bright future.
That reliance on the youth in the fight against corruption means transforming the ethics and scientific theories into practical experience, whether it's from the official authorities and actors in the fight against corruption, or by civil organizations and educational institutions, and that means educating young people and train them on facing such challenges to ensure civilized and sustainable societies. I am delighted today to thank UNDP and its partners for this opportunity.
Working against corruption is not only youth responsibility, but also all other components in the community is responsible, and we have to work to strengthen the sense of this responsibility toward our local communities and the world.
On this occasion, we invite young people to participate actively in the progress of the nation and the world to promote education, training and voluntary work and contribute to the development of society".

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